Magnolia Banana Pudding… FINALLY

3 Dec

I am not a huge fan of cakes in general, so it’s not shocking that Magnolia Bakery’s famous cupcakes has never quite had the luster to me that it seems to have with others. I was told, however, that their banana pudding was to.die.for. Since they have opened up several new locations, most of which don’t have lines around the corner like the original, I knew it was only a matter of time before my banana pudding opportunity arose. Such a day was on the way home from the MoMA (Tim Burton exhibit was crowded but cool but I still find it angering as to why people thing a white spot on a white canvas is art).

The Rockefeller Center Magnolia (on 6th Ave. and 49th Street) is small and cute and even features a Rockette themed special cupcake.

We grabbed a small banana pudding and made our way to benches in front of the Grace Building to dig in.

What I first noticed is that there is crumbled cake (angel food cake?) in the pudding. I thought this was a nice touch to add some texture since pudding can get a wee bit bland after the first few bites.

The banana flavor was great (though I love banana and would have preferred more) but overall I was a wee bit disappointed. I think it would have been hard to live up to the hype anyway, but it wasn’t anything I’d go out of my way to eat again.

I actually think what would have made me over the moon for this was some sort of candied nut to up the flavor/texture profile even more. I guess I’ll just have to make it myself!


(Please forgive all my photos for the next few weeks as my digital camera finally died after many, many lives and I am exclusively on my iPhone until cameras go on sale after Xmas)

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