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ZoneManhattan Week 4 Weigh In

24 Sep

I am down just over 11 pounds. The weight loss has obviously slowed down, but I’m glad to be seeing progress continue.  And then there’s Mike… Mike is down 19 pounds! He’s looking slim and trim and I can’t help but feel a bit jealous of how easily men lose weight compared to women. But I’m proud of him!

Unfortunately, ZoneManhattan has screwed up twice now by putting peppers in my food. It’s frustrating because we pay a lot for the service and it’s really the only food we have. So if I can’t eat one piece of it, I am super hungry (and cranky).  As long as I can eat each meal, I don’t find myself hungry at all, but having to skip one sucks.  I called to complain, so hopefully they are more careful in the future.