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Ch… ch… ch… changes

28 Oct

You might notice some big changes going on here at NYC Nom Nom.  I am in the process of porting my blog from Tumblr to WordPress, which has proved to be so difficult, that I need the help of some friends who are much smarter than I am about this stuff.

If you see it go down or any funny coding during this process, my apologies!  You can always contact me at

Hopefully this will be resolved soon and will be a much better experience for everyone.

Technical Difficulties

11 Sep

It appears there is some bug that I have run into on Tumblr.  The individual links to my latest posts are not working.  If you run into any problems, my apologies.  Tumblr has forwarded me onto their development team so, hopefully, it will be repaired very soon.  In the meantime, you can still read all the posts, but you just can’t click on them individually.

Thanks Nommers!

NYC Nom Nom now on Facebook!

30 Sep

Now you can become a fan! 

There should be a button on the right column below the ad.  You can also do so here:

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NYC Nom Nom on Facebook