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Nomming thru Maine: Cracker Barrel

6 Jul

The first stop of any good road trip should always be Cracker Barrel. It’s really hard to beat the kitschy grace and cheap good food you get at these road side stops.  I once famously made my dad drive about 3 hours past the starving mark just to find one.  I guess I have a secret love for the good ol’ CB.  

On our way up to Maine from NJ (where we rented a car) we stopped somewhere in Connecticut… or maybe it was Massachusettes… hmmm.

One of my favorite parts is the games on the table.  I have tried and tried but I have never gotten it down to less than 2 pegs.  Someday!  Soooooomeday!

They always have delicious biscuits.

And don’t forget to ask for their special apple butter!

Mike went with the reuben.  It was SOOO good.  Could rival most I’ve had in NYC at good delis.

I was feeling the ham steak for whatever reason, and it was just as good as I remembered it.  Nice and sweet with enough char to make it taste good and grilled.

With a side of apples, of course!

Next time you’re on the road, I highly recommend this reliable pit stop!