Tag Archives: schatzie’s famous dirty brisket sandwich

Amsterdam Street – Schatzie’s

12 Jul


Street Fairs in NYC used to be something I looked forward to most when the weather turned nice.  Unfortunately, lately most fairs are the same vendors selling the same $10 sunglasses and 6MM thread count sheets with the same BBQ corn and empanada eateries.  The Amsterdam Street Festival this year was not really an exception, though I was very pleased with our food choice.



Schatzie’s, a deli on Amsterdam between 86th and 87th Streets, was selling “Famous Dirty Brisket Sandwiches.” 



I can’t remember exactly how much it was, but I remember thinking it was INSANELY expensive.  But… it was also insanely good.  Delicious, meat pieces that fell apart in your mouth without being mushy, covered in a delicious sauce on white bread.  YUM!
