Tag Archives: perdue short cuts

“Whatever Was Leftover in the Freezer Mish-Mash”

5 Nov

I packed up everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, about 5 days before the move.  I thought I would make a soup with everything left in the freezer, however, I packed my immersion blender AND big pot… so that idea was out the window.  So instead I heated up all the frozen goodies I had left and threw it all together with cheese (because cheese makes everything better).  It actually turned out quite delicious. It included cauliflower, artichoke hearts, and brussel sprouts as well as Purdue Chicken “Short Cuts” (all from the freezer).  I bought some sticky rice for a few dollars at the local Thai restaurant and topped it all with melted cheddar cheese. Put it all together and v’oila! The “Whatever Was Leftover in the Freezer Mish-Mash” was born.

It was VERY tasty (I was surprised by this since I usually am not a huge fan of frozen vegetables).  I will probably make it again even if I don’t have to.  It paired especially well with whatever beer was leftover in the fridge!