Tag Archives: banana ice cream

Top Recipes of 2010

31 Dec

Before going into the Top Nom Restaurants of 2010, I wanted to share with you my favorite recipes that I discovered and came up with in 2010 (click on the links for the recipes):

Best Brunch Recipe: Crustless Ham & Egg Tarts

Best After Work Dinner: Chicken Stuffed with Grapes, Hazelnuts, and Parmesan Cheese

Best Weight Watchers Recipe: Weight Watchers – Chicken Tagine with Apricots

Best Seafood: Scallops Lime & Vine

Best Odd Protein: Ostrich Steak

Best Chicken Recipe: Zuni Chicken & Bread Salad

Best Side: Corn Fritters

Best Desserts (You know I couldn’t pick just ONE):

Homemade Crunchie Bars

Pumpkin Cheesecake

Meringue Minis

Banana Faux Ice Cream

This year has taught me, above else, that the best cooking comes from reckless abandon.  Throw caution to the wind and spices in your pot.

Happy Nomming!

The most amazing recipe I’ve ever shared

5 Apr

I read about this mysterious “one ingredient ice cream” on TheKitchn.com and was shocked to learn that the one ingredient was… bananas.  How can you possibly make ice cream out of JUST bananas?  Well… turns out not only is it possible… it’s just about the most amazing thing I’ve ever made.  I am so enthralled with this that I bumped all my other posts to share it with you.  And the best part? It’s good for you!  Figure one banana per serving and I calculated it to be just 2 points (and less than 100 calories)!

The instructions were pretty easy sounding… take bananas… freeze (great way to keep bananas on the verge of over-ripening anyway)… put in food processor… blend until creamy.  My bananas probably should have defrosted a bit before I tried this, however, after some tenacity I got it to this state…

And that made me nervous.  How was this ever going to be CREAMY?  Wouldn’t it be chunky? Or gritty? Or… well… NOT ice cream?

Oh no… 5 minutes later it was downright creamy. 

And then I took my spoon and I dug right in.  Holy crap. This was even better than the moment I discovered Krispy Krack Kale.  Holy cow! 

I have since made it twice more… once with peanut butter (4 points with one tablespoon per banana) and once with peanut butter and chocolate chips (5 points with the same amount of peanut butter plus 1 tablespoon of chocolate chips per 2 bananas).  Use my new favorite, Better’n Peanut Butter, and you can get the PB and Banana combo for jut 3 points!

And then I decided that I couldn’t sit over my counter with a spoon in the food processor forever, so I pulled out the ice cream scooper for the real test…

It scooped beautifully.

Go make this.
